Safety Day

It rained this morning, so we sat in the conference room and talked about everything that might kill or maim us in the next two months. 

  1. Ticks (Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever and Lyme Disease)

  2. Black Widow Spiders

  3. Scorpions

  4. Rattlesnakes

  5. Cougars

  6. Sheep Dogs protecting their herd

  7. People

  8. Black Bears

  9. Grizzly Bears

  10. Moose

  11. Stinging Insects

  12. Cactus

  13. Poisonous Plants (leaves of three let them be)

  14. Heat Exhaustion

  15. Hypothermia

  16. Fire

  17. Widow-makers

  18. Lightning

  19. Barbed Wire

It cleared up in the afternoon. We went outside and practiced uncocking our bear spray and pretending to shoot bears. Aim at the ground in front of the bear, not at the bear's face. 

Based on years of evidence, the two most dangerous things we face in the field are:

  1. Driving Accidents
  2. Slipping on Wet Rocks and Logs
Condon Work Station Carpet

Condon Work Station Carpet