
Heading for Tok, Alaska!

Battery Charger and Water

Battery Charger and Water

No, not that kind of toke. People think it may be named after Tokyo because the road camp that eventually became the town was established there during the second world war.

Anchorage to Tok: 318 miles

I'll be skirting the western and northern edges of the Wrangell St. Elias National Park and Preserve

The Wrangell St. Elias is the size of Yellowstone National Park, Yosemite National Park, and the country of Switzerland combined. It has most of the highest peaks in the United States and Canada, and yet, some of those peaks are only ten miles from the ocean. 

The Wrangell is continuous with the Kluane National Preserve in Canada, which I'll be driving by in the next few days. 

Check List:

  1. Binoculars

  2. Playlists of Bird Songs, Calls, and Drums by Species

  3. Field Guide to Birds of Western North America

  4. Phone Charger

  5. ATT Passport ($30) so I can access iBird Pro in Canada

  6. The Milepost (mile-by-mile guide to the Alcan; version 2013)

  7. Apples

  8. Water

  9. Sleeping Bag

  10. The Going Spirit

Since I gave up TV for New Years, I've been spending more time than I care to admit watching the DCEaglecam.

The two chicks hatched March 18th and 20th. They are beaks, wings, talons and not much else. 

I hope to find internet in Tok so I can check on them.