Riddle Ranch
I surveyed nearby what must be one of the most beautiful old ranches in the world.
Driving the Tractor
Two big puddles blocked the way.
So I parked at the ranch and, next morning, walked the hour and a half to the survey which overlooks Riddle Ranch Reservoir.
Willets call this place home.
In flight, their white wing bars and white rump give them away, along with their funny calls.
Photo by Don Delaney
A thunder and lightning storm came, so I had to run back to the ranch and my car. That tiny white rectangle just to the left of the cliff in the photo above, is the cowboy trailer.
Cowboy Trailer
Rain cleaned the car.
After, I had to wait a day for the road to dry out.
One of the first stories my boss told during the briefing was about the sad fellow who got fired when he tore up somebody's road after a rain storm. The program had to pay to have the road fixed. "Too bad, because he was a pretty good birder." Not wanting to be referred to in past tense, I waited.
I watched Cliff Swallows come and go from the cowboy trailer.
Cliff Swallow Nests in the Cowboy Trailer
Cliff Swallows are easy to remember because they wear a headlamp to see under the dark cliffs.
Photo by Max Malmquist
I wonder what it was like to be a Riddle Ranch cowboy back in the day?
Bunkbeds in the Cowboy Trailer
I saw one of the current cowboys while waiting for the road to dry--a Mexican wearing a huge hat and riding a four wheeler; he waved, but didn't come say hi.
I watched Badger TV
I rolled a tomato over by their hole; next time I looked, it was gone.
Coconut Oil Melted - 100 Degrees in the Car with the Windows Down
After six hours, I got antsy and drove up the road: mistake.
Ended up spending the night by this mud pit and getting out the next afternoon.
Watched bull TV.
White-faced Ibis live around here.
Photo by John Turner
Another storm gathered in the afternoon, and I gently picked my way out.
Stopping, walking forward to scout the mud, driving, stopping... it took two hours to drive five miles. When I got out to the county road, I sat by the side and watched the storm roll toward Riddle Ranch.