Mill Creek

It had rained and was forecast to rain that night, so Tony and I slept in our cars below the survey. 

The survey is to the left - on top of the mountain. 

The survey is to the left - on top of the mountain. 

We got up at 3:45 and started walking at 4:15. 

Nice trail. Not too bad in the dark. It switchbacks down to the left toward our cars. 

Nice trail. Not too bad in the dark. It switchbacks down to the left toward our cars. 

By 5:30, we reached the top and found a view of the Beartooth Mountains to the east. 

Everything was wet from the rain and the temperature was in the thirties.

Our feet were soaked and frozen. 

The survey was across a recent burn. 

Although it was steep and we warmed up walking uphill, every time we stopped to do a point our feet got cold again.

By the end of the survey, it had only warmed up ten degrees.

Tony navigated and carried the gear. 

Tony navigated and carried the gear. 

Lots of birds. Especially White-crowned Sparrows. Surprised to find sagebrush up there. 



Yellow-rumped Warbler

Ruby-crowned Kinglet

Western Tanager

Red-breasted Nuthatch

Swainson's Thrush

Warbling Vireo

Chipping Sparrow

Cassin's Finch

American Robin

Mountain Chickadee

Pine Siskin

Hermit Thrush

Dark-eyed Junco

Clark's Nutcracker

Vesper Sparrow

Olive-sided Flycatcher

Green-tailed Towhee

Lincoln Sparrow

Unidentified Hummingbird

Mountain Bluebird

Townsend's Solitaire

Hairy Woodpecker

Western Wood-Pewee

Light Morph Red-tailed Hawk

Red-naped Sapsucker

Lark Sparrow

Northern Flicker

House Wren

Downy Woodpecker

Lazuli Bunting

Common Raven

Red Squirrel

Deer Fawn

But White-crowned Sparrows ruled the burn.