GPS Search
At 5 AM, ready to start survey #20 by Petrolia Lake, I reached into my backpack for my GPS, and it wasn’t there.
1). Tore my backpack apart.
2). Tore the truck apart.
3). Drove 3 hours south (the last place I had it was on the final point of the survey yesterday).
4). I worried about waking up the rancher, but wanted him to know I was back on the property, so I called. Didn’t answer. Left a message.
5). Drove through the gate and back up to the plateau.
I thought I could walk back to the final point - #14 - from memory, no problem.
I found #13 because it was by a downed log I had set my stuff on. From there, I walked west, but things didn’t look the same.
It felt like I was too low in elevation, and I had a hard time feeling for how far 250 meters was (the points are 250 meters apart).
I went back to the truck, got the topo map, the veg sheet I had filled out, my running watch that keeps track of distance, and the compass. I went back to #13, walked exactly west on the compass, and tried to use the watch to gauge distance, but it was in miles not kilometers and nothing looked right.
I decided to try dropping down on #14.
See how there’s a nob southeast of #13. And a smaller nob south of #14. I walked up top, went along the edge of the plateau until I thought I was straight south of #14, and then walked lines down and up the hill.
The veg sheet said there were 3 snags on the point. But I couldn’t find them.
Row 14: 3 Snags
I remembered the Gooseberry bush by the point, but I couldn’t find it.
Row 14: Gooseberry 5%.
I walked around for a few hours, needed a different solution, and called my boss. I was afraid he would tell me to drive back to Missoula (5 hours away) and get his extra GPS.
But, thankfully, he didn’t have one.
So I drove a half hour to Billings to buy one.
I drove a half hour back to the survey and called the rancher. He laughed and then asked if I wanted him to come help with his ATV. No, but thank you.
Put batteries in the new GPS, changed it from Lat Longs to UTMs, plugged in the coordinates for #14, and walked right to it.
When I saw the orange flagging, I sat down and cried from relief.
There’s the Gooseberry bush.
And there are the 3 snags.
Then I drove 3 hours north back to Petrolia Lake.