Bird ID

We've been tuning up our ears to bird vocalizations for the last week.

All of us use meaningless words to try to describe these sounds - "The call is very  distinct...the song has a certain quality and ring...tonally there's a lot going on...there’s a DISTINCT difference between a WETA and AMRO.”

Also, the men tend to associate bird songs with some kind of weapon. 

 Here's what we've learned:

Townsend's Warbler (TOWA) sounds like = The Maxwell House Coffee song

Wilson's Warbler = The Elvis BirdPhoto by Tony Tong

Wilson's Warbler = The Elvis Bird

Photo by Tony Tong

Nashville Warbler (NAWA) sounds like = pizza pizza pizza, beer beer

MacGillivray's Warbler (MGWA) = call sounds like two marbles being hit together

Brown Creeper = Trees, trees, beautiful trees!

Northern Goshawks have a stovepipe body - the beefy accipiter. Photo by Don Delaney

Northern Goshawks have a stovepipe body - the beefy accipiter. 

Photo by Don Delaney

Wilson's Warbler = one of the men said it sounds like a machine gun cocking and going off

Yellow-breasted Chat = the Larry, Moe, and Curly bird; it sounds like yuk yuk yuk, whistle whistle, honk honk honk

Male Northern Harrier - the gray ghost with the white butt. Photo by Don Delaney

Male Northern Harrier - the gray ghost with the white butt. 

Photo by Don Delaney

Lazuli Bunting =, here, fire, fire, put it out... 

Pine Siskin = a caffeinated robot with a ZZZzzzzrrree! 

American Goldfinch = the bird that brings the party snacks; Potato chip! Bean dip! (I typed Potato Chip into Cornell's All About Birds sight, and nothing came up)

Ferruginous Hawk - yellow LIPS and rouge pantaloons. Photo by John Williams

Ferruginous Hawk - yellow LIPS and rouge pantaloons. 

Photo by John Williams

Black-headed Grosbeak = Robin on amphetamines

Horned Lark = sounds like walking on ice, on tiptoes, wearing ice skates

Olive-sided Flycatcher = Quick three beers!

Lark Sparrow = the flatulent alien warrior

Vesper Sparrow = here here, there there, everywhere

White-crowned Sparrow = the Tarzan song

Sharp-shinned Hawks look surprised. Photo by Helmut Mueller

Sharp-shinned Hawks look surprised. 

Photo by Helmut Mueller

Savannah Sparrow = chip, chip, chip, Savannah Georgia!

Lincoln's Sparrow - Abe Lincoln was a verrrrry smart man, oooo eeee!

Prairie Falcons have dark armpits from working on the prairie all day. Photo by Don Delaney

Prairie Falcons have dark armpits from working on the prairie all day. 

Photo by Don Delaney

Cliff Swallow = dolphin-like

Spotted Sandpiper = European police siren

Barred Owl = Who cooks for you!

Northern Rough-winged Swallow = farting

Yellow-headed Blackbird = everyone thinks this is the most beautiful song

Golden Eagles fly with slow wing beats like dribbling a basket ball. Photo by Tony Hisgett

Golden Eagles fly with slow wing beats like dribbling a basket ball. 

Photo by Tony Hisgett