
We've been going over protocol until we are glassy-eyed. 

Like this fascinating question:

If you see a cluster of ten Mallards at 500 meters, but then break them into sexes when they get closer, is it better to leave it as 10 MALL sex indent? Or, on second thought, maybe you should go back and do the gender breakout onto two lines. The How Code would be visual. 

We've had massive debates over:

How to identify a migrating bird verses a flyover bird verses a cluster of foraging birds like crossbills. 

What is mid-story vegetation?

If you can see the same bird from two different points, like a Red-tailed Hawk, which point do you record it on? Or, how to treat a group of GRAJs following you from point to point or a Shrike that moves down the barbed wire fence every time you move. 

Massive debates about why we are not allowed to sex Broad-tailed Hummingbirds by their wing sounds even though males are certainly the only ones who make that sound since females lack p6 modified tail feathers and are therefore incapable. 

Massive debates about how to cluster code pika.

What is the difference between desert / semi desert scrubland, sage scrubland, and just plain scrubland.

Bouncy Bog - we could feel the ground move when people jumped up and down.

Bouncy Bog - we could feel the ground move when people jumped up and down.