Bruneau Jarbridge Rivers Wilderness

All my BLM surveys are new, so I have to scout access. Imagine trying to find sixteen little dots in this. 

I drove to Mountain Home, Idaho to enter data from COM and get on Google Earth to look at roads.

Cash For Guns

Cash For Guns

But the only wireless I could find on a Sunday afternoon was at McDonalds, a place I haven't patronized since I learned how to eat in the 80s.

Mountain Home Junk Yard - on the main road. 

Mountain Home Junk Yard - on the main road. 

I thought, this is a crappy little town, I'll go on down to Bruneau, Idaho and use the internet there. 

But Bruneau is just a thirty-five mile per hour zone on a curve in the highway - no internet. So, I thought, I'll go on down to Grasmere, Idaho, and use the internet there. 

That abandoned trailer on the left is Grasmere. 

I drove dirt roads and two-tracks until midnight looking for my survey site. 

Got to within ten kilometers, woke up the next morning, and started walking in the dark.

When the sun came up, I saw the Bruneau River Gorge. 

The place is covered in Sage Sparrows. 

Brown body, gray head, white eyeing and malaria stripe. Photo by Tim Lenz

Brown body, gray head, white eyeing and malaria stripe. 

Photo by Tim Lenz

After the survey, I camped and swam at Sheep Creek. Rock Wren song echoed everywhere.

Western Tanagers, Yellow-breasted Chat, Gray Flycatchers, and Lazuli Bunting present. 

Western Tanagers, Yellow-breasted Chat, Gray Flycatchers, and Lazuli Bunting present. 

I'm writing a novel on how to get to this survey for the biologist next year. 

I'm writing a novel on how to get to this survey for the biologist next year.