Piss Ant Butte

My first two surveys were within the Craters of the Moon National Monument and Preserve. 

I'm vegetarian - please let me pass!

I'm vegetarian - please let me pass!

Big water trucks travel this little road at all hours bringing water to the cattle. 

Got caught in a 20 minute hail storm.

 Met a sheep dog.

When I pulled up alongside the herd, he jumped off the boulder where he stood sentinel and ran barking toward my rig. A dog with a job. 

sheep dog.jpg

I spent two days here counting WEME, BRSP, and HOLAs.

Bands of three or four Horned Lark travel the dirt roads. Photo by Rob. 

Bands of three or four Horned Lark travel the dirt roads. 

Photo by Rob. 

When I got back to my rig, cattle had licked it all over.